Privacy Policy

Data Controller

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries processes the personal data you provide to us, or that we collect about you, in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

To best protect your personal data, we continuously assess the risk that our data processing could negatively impact your rights. We handle your information with respect for its confidentiality and your privacy, particularly considering the risk of identity theft or other adverse effects.

This privacy policy is supported by the ministry's policy on the use of cookies.

More information about the ministry's use of cookies.

Source of Information

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries is the data controller for the personal data we collect and process when you contact us or use our services. Collection occurs, for example, through your contact with our main mailbox, general access to content, subscription to our press releases, participation in competitions or surveys, registration as a user, or other use of our services.

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries is also responsible for your personal data if we receive it from other authorities, companies, or citizens. We may also obtain information about you from other authorities, companies, or citizens when necessary for the ministry's tasks.

Purpose of Data Use

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries processes your personal data to respond to your inquiries as part of the ministry's public authority functions or to send newsletters. Additionally, we use anonymized data to optimize our services and content.

In some cases, we need to combine your information with data received from other entities, such as other authorities.

Types of Data Processed

We only process personal data about you that is relevant and sufficient for the purposes defined above. The purpose determines what types of data are relevant for us. The same applies to the extent of the personal data we use. We do not use more data than necessary for the specific purpose.

Before processing your personal data, we examine whether it is possible to minimize the amount of data about you. We also check if any of the personal data we use can be anonymized or pseudonymized, as long as this does not negatively impact our obligations or the service we offer you.

Protection of Your Data

In its information security work, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries complies with the requirements of ISO27001. We also implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data from accidental or unlawful deletion, publication, loss, deterioration, or unauthorized access, misuse, or other unlawful processing. To protect you from unauthorized access to your personal data, we use solutions that automatically ensure personal data is only accessible to relevant employees.

In the event of a security breach that results in a high risk to you from discrimination, identity theft, financial loss, loss of reputation, or other significant disadvantages, we will notify you of the breach as soon as possible.

Data Retention

We store your information as long as necessary to fulfill our obligations as a public authority and comply with applicable laws.

Disclosure of Data

Personal data will only be disclosed as required by access rules under, among others, the Public Information Act, unless the data is confidential.

Moreover, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries does not disclose your information to others but only transfers personal data to the ministry's data processors to the extent relevant for our public authority functions. Data processors only process the data on our behalf and are not allowed to use it for their own purposes.

Your Rights

You have various rights because we process your information in our IT system and because much of our case processing is electronic.

You have the right to know:

  • That we have received information about you and stored it in our IT system.
  • What information we have about you and to see this information.
  • Where we obtained the information from (if we did not get it from you).

You also have the right to request corrections of inaccurate or misleading information or similar processing violations. In special cases, you have the right to have your data deleted or limited.

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries generally does not delete personal data, but we correct personal data by adding a note to the case in accordance with the documentation and note-taking requirements.

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency's guide on data subjects' rights, available on the agency's website.

The Right to Withdraw Your Consent

If the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries does not have legal authority to process your personal data, we will obtain your consent for processing.

In cases where the processing of your data relies solely on your consent, you can choose to withdraw this consent.

For newsletter subscriptions, you can unsubscribe at any time through the emails sent to you.


You can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you believe the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries is processing your information in violation of data protection regulations. You can read more about how to complain to the Data Protection Agency on their website.

Laws and Regulations

You can find the rules on the processing of personal data on the Danish Data Protection Agency's website.

Contact Information

If you have questions about the ministry's processing of your personal data or wish to exercise your data protection rights, you are welcome to contact:

Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Holbergsgade 6
1057 Copenhagen K


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Data Protection Officer
Phone: +45 72 42 97 38 (available every Wednesday from 10-12)