
On this page, you can find and download english publications available on this website.

Plastics without waste:

Read the publication "Plastics without waste The Danish government’s plastics action plan"

Climate cookery book:

Read the climate cookery book "Climate Is Served"

Genetically modified crops:

Read the Danish fact report on the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture and food production

Green energy from agriculture:

Read the fact-sheet on climate perspectives

Read the fact-sheet on perennial energy crops

Read the fact-sheet on second generation biofuel

Read the fact-sheet on bio-gas

A new traceability system supporting full documentation

Read the publication "A new traceability system supporting full documentation"

UK/Scottish report on Catch Quota Management 2010

Read the publication "UK/Scottish report on Catch Quota Management 2010"

Calculating effects of choked species (computer version being considered)

Read the publication "Calculating effects of choked species (computer version being considered)"

CQM in mixed fisheries

Read the publication "CQM in mixed fisheries"

Danish report on CQM in 2010

Read the publication "Danish report on CQM in 2010"

Developing science for result based management in fisheries

Read the publication "Developing science for result based management in fisheries"

The Danish camera project

Read the final report on "The Danish camera project"


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